Her Choice

“So, what did your mom say when you told her?” Caitlin asked as she lay next to her best friend, Sophie, as they hung out together in Sophie’s bedroom.

“I haven’t told her. I’m not going to.”

“Like, is that a good idea? I mean, is that even possible? How are you going to get the form signed without telling her?”

Sophie wrung her hands together. “I figure I can sign the damn form myself and hand it in tomorrow. I mean, why would anyone know the difference? With a signed form, they aren’t going to phone mom and check, are they?”

“They’ll have your mom’s signature on file, Sophie. How good are you at forging it?”

“Good enough, I reckon. But I don’t see why they’d go to the trouble of hunting through the files just so they can make sure it isn’t a forgery. Why would they want to do that?”

“You may have a point, Sophie. But why don’t you want your mom to know? Do you think she’ll add a punishment of her own? Is that it?”

“No, of course not. I guess I’m ashamed to admit having cannabis in my car. I mean, all would have been fine if that campus policewoman hadn’t stopped me to let the trash truck out.”

“You had your window down?”

“It was hot.”


“It’s busted.”

“So, you arrived in the school parking lot smoking weed? That was kinda stupid.”

“I wasn’t still smoking when I drove onto the campus, stupid! I just thought with all the windows open the smell would soon clear. I got that bit wrong.”

“And so Mr Carmichael is going to light up your butt with five swats?”


“You’re treating it like it’s no big deal, Sophie. Mr Carmichael spanks real hard, you know. Didn’t you get offered Saturday detention? You should have been.”

“Yes, Caitlin, I was offered Saturday detention but mom has arranged to visit her sister and her family on Saturday. I’m expected to go with her, and anyway I want to go. They’re fun.”

“So you said you’d take the spanking?”

“Exactly. I have no other choice, unless I want to upset mom and all the rest of the family.”

“I see your point, although I don’t envy you tomorrow morning.”


At ten minutes to eight, Sophie Morrison got out of her car and headed for the school’s administration area. She was wearing white denim jeans and a red short-sleeved blouse which complemented her long blond hair, and carrying just a shoulder bag. As she approached the secretaries’ area behind a waist-high counter, she took her signed permission form out of a back pocket and unfolded it.

“Can I help you?” A younger secretary called Jennifer Banfield asked with a smile.

“I-er-I need to give you this,” Sophie replied, holding out the form and wishing an older secretary had been available.

Ms Banfield took the form and studied it closely, so closely that Sophie became nervous. It was embarrassing enough having to hand this young woman the form that told her Sophie was effectively handing herself in for a spanking without her scrutinizing it so closely. At least the young secretary would have no idea what Sophie’s mom’s signature looked like.

“Yes, I guess that looks okay,” Jennifer said. “And you want to take the spanking? It’s five swats. Are you sure?”

Sophie sighed at the delay. “Yes, I’m sure,” she answered, the irritation becoming clear in her tone.

“Okay, let me file this away and then I’ll be right with you.”

As the young secretary turned away, Sophie wondered about the remark ‘I’ll be right with you’. What did that mean exactly? Was this girl, maybe no more than three years older than Sophie, thinking she would be acting as witness? Surely not?

“Come with me, please.”

Suddenly awoken from her thoughts, Sophie turned to her right and found Ms Banfield facing her, the secretary having left the confines of the station and joined Sophie in the general hallway area. The young woman had in her hand Sophie’s pink referral slip.

The secretary led Sophie along a hallway that took them towards where the school’s principal and vice-principals had their offices, along with several small interview rooms. Ms Banfield stopped outside one of these interview rooms, opened the door and stood aside for Sophie to enter.

“Go in and take a seat. We won’t be long.”

Sophie did as she was asked and found a small table with single chairs either side. She sat on the chair nearest the wall, and waited while Ms Banfield took the opposite chair.

“Sophie, are you sure your mom has given permission for you to be paddled today?”

“Er, yes. She’s signed the form, hasn’t she?”

“Has she? I’ve checked your file and compared the signature on this permission form, and they look pretty similar.”

“Well, they would, wouldn’t they?”

“How would it be if I phoned your mom and checked?”

Sophie’s heart started pounding. “You don’t need to do that.”

“Don’t I? What’s this all about, Sophie? Why are you so keen to take the spanking? Why didn’t you simply show your mom the form and ask her to sign it? Why risk getting caught out?”

“I-I guess because I didn’t want her to know I use cannabis for a start, and because we have a family event this weekend so it would ruin everything if I had to serve Saturday detention. I didn’t want to let my mom down.”

Jennifer Banfield leaned back in her chair and stared at Sophie, who was now close to tears.

“Please, let me take the spanking,” Sophie begged.

“I’m just thinking what would happen if I reported you for forging your mom’s signature,” Ms Banfield said. “One thing is for sure, you’d be in really serious trouble. It would be a long suspension at best and you might even be kicked out of the school.”

“I guess,” Sophie answered as she took several tissues from her shoulder bag and began dabbing at her eyes. “Look, I admit my guilt with the cannabis thing. Okay? I accept I have to be punished. All I want to do is take my spanking and keep mom out of it. Is that so much to ask?”

“Strictly speaking, according to the rules, yes.”

“Please!” Sophie begged. “Let me take my spanking. That way, everyone is happy. The school will have punished me. Mom won’t know. Our family get-together on Saturday can go ahead. Everything works out just fine.”

“How old are you, Sophie?”

“Seventeen. Why?”

“I’m just two years older than you. I’m imagining what I would do if I was in your shoes.”

“You might do the same,” Sophie responded hopefully.

“Okay, here’s the deal. When I show you into Mr Carmichael’s office, he’ll ask who you want as witness. You say you want me. I’ll give you as much support as I’m able to, I’ll watch you getting spanked, and I’ll help you afterwards. How does that sound?”

“It sounds fine,” Sophie replied suspiciously. “But what do you get out of it, exactly?”

“I’m very much the junior member of the secretarial team. Most students ask for one of the older secretaries to act as witness, or one of the older teachers. Perhaps they feel they’ll do better with a more matronly type. I’ve never seen a school paddling.”

“And you want to?”

“In a nutshell, yes. I’ve seen students enter Mr Carmichael’s office, and I’ve seen them come back out with all sorts of reactions, but I’ve never seen what actually happens inside the office. It kind of fascinates me.”

Sophie thought carefully. What difference did it make who served as her witness? It couldn’t have any effect on the spanking. This young secretary seemed friendly enough. Sophie had also wondered what happened when a girl was given a school paddling. She’d seen the tears afterwards, and she’d seen the marks left on a girl’s behind in the showers after sports, but the actual deed was still a complete mystery to her.

“Okay, you have a deal,” Sophie finally confirmed. “Please be kind to me,” she added.

“I will,” smiled Jennifer, clearly delighted her plan had come together. “Shall we go over to Mr Carmichael’s office?”

“Can I stuff some cotton padding down the seat of my pants first?” Sophie asked, trying to put on a brave face.”

“That’s so naughty!” Jennifer responded, still smiling.

“Okay, might as well get it over with,” Sophie said, now totally serious, and more than a little anxious. “Please help me.”

“I will,” Jennifer confirmed, linking arms with the seventeen-year-old.

Across the hallway, Jennifer tapped on Mr Carmichael’s door.

“Come in!”

Ms Banfield opened the door and let Sophie go in first. Mr Carmichael, a tall thin near bald-headed man, was sitting at his desk. Jennifer placed Sophie’s pink punishment slip on the vice-principal’s desk and waited.

“Sophie Morrison. Possession of cannabis. Five licks. Is that correct, Ms Morrison,” Mr Carmichael said after also consulting his computer.

“Yes sir,” Sophie mumbled.

Can you confirm, Ms Morrison, that you accept the allegation of cannabis possession and that you have been offered detention in place of the paddling?”

“Yes sir.”

“And you have chosen to take the paddling in preference to detention. Is that correct?”

Sophie glanced briefly at Jennifer, and then replied, “Yes sir.”

“You’re sure, Ms Morrison?”

“Yes sir.”

“And we have the parental consent form properly signed, do we, Ms Banfield?”

Sophie’s heart missed a couple of beats.

“Yes sir,” Jennifer answered.

“Checked against signatures we have on file, Ms Banfield?”

“Yes sir.”

Sophie thought she detected a hint of hesitation in the young secretary’s voice.

“Okay, so is there any member of staff you would prefer as your witness, Ms Morrison?”

“Er, could Ms Banfield do it, sir? I mean, she’s already here. It seems pointless her having to go find someone.”

The vice-principal was clearly surprised. “I’m sure Ms Banfield wouldn’t mind, Ms Morrison.”

“No, it’s fine, sir. I’m happy that Ms Banfield acts as witness, really I am.”

“Well, I guess you’ve got to learn the procedures sometime, Jennifer,” Mr Carmichael half-smiled as he became more relaxed.

“Yes sir,” the young secretary replied with a little too much eagerness, or so Sophie thought.

“Okay,” Mr Carmichael said as he rose from his chair. “First thing, Jennifer, you need to go over to that corner and grab the small chair and bring it over to the centre of the room, giving us enough room to work around it.”

“Yes sir.”

Jennifer went over to the far corner of the room, lifted the small chair and brought it over to behind where Sophie was standing in front of the desk. Sophie took a brief look at the chair over her shoulder before returning her attention to the vice-principal.

“Here sir?” Jennifer queried.

“That’s fine, Jennifer. Now, Sophie is wearing jeans with back pockets. We need to make sure those pockets are empty.”

“Yes sir!”

Sophie almost immediately felt hands go into her back pockets and feel for anything inside. The hands seemed to her to linger a little longer than was necessary.

“She’s clear, sir,” Jennifer announced.

“Yes, normally we just ask the student to check if they have anything in their back pockets and to remove anything they find. We do that to make sure a student isn’t trying to soften the effects of the paddle and doesn’t have anything sharp in the back pockets that might inflict extra injury.”

“Yes sir. Sorry, Sophie.”

Sophie would have confirmed it wasn’t a problem, only her mind was lingering on the term ‘extra injury’, like what was shortly to happen would anyway cause damage.

Mr Carmichal then went to a tall cupboard behind his desk, opened the door and delved inside. His arm emerged holding a wooden paddle made of a light-colored wood and measuring maybe twenty inches in length, five inches across and half an inch in thickness. One end tapered down into a handle which had then been bound with blue tape.

“Okay, Sophie, I need you to go stand behind that chair, bend over the back and reach down for the front legs. Grab them as low down as you can reach.”

Sophie took a deep breath, turned and tottered over to the chair. Jennifer escorted her. Sophie took hold of the top rail of the chair and looked down at the seat.

After watching Sophie study the seat for some moments, Jennifer prompted, “Bend over!” by whispering in Sophie’s ear.

“I’m trying!” Sophie hissed back.

“You just need to bend over and stick your butt out!”

After giving the young secretary an angry scowl, Sophie started to lean forward. She reached down, first for the thinly padded seat, and then for the front legs. She managed to grasp the legs about halfway down.

“Is this okay?” Sophie asked. Even she was uncertain who she was asking.

“That looks good, Sophie,” Mr Carmichael responded as he came round his desk and stood behind and to the left of the student.

“Where shall I stand, sir?” Jennifer asked.

“Stand opposite me, behind and to Sophie’s right so you can witness the paddle hitting her backside. That’s all you need to do.”

“Yes sir,” Jennifer confirmed, Sophie noting that keenness again.

“Five swats coming up, Sophie,” the vice-principal warned.

“Yes sir,” Sophie answered shakily.

Immediately, Sophie felt the paddle being laid softly against her now tightly stretched white jeans. Mr Carmichael move the paddle around in a circular pattern, and then Sophie could no longer feel its presence. Just an instant later, she felt the paddle slam across her bottom. It hurt, it stung, it smarted, and tears slipped down from the corners of her eyes.

Then the paddle was rubbing against the seat of her white jeans in that circular pattern again, then it wasn’t, and then it crashed across the entire width of her backside for a second time.

“Uuuunnnhh!” she grunted, and wiggled her backside.

“Keep still Sophie,” Mr Carmichael cautioned. “I need to strike her right on her buttocks,” he added by way of explanation to the young secretary. “If she moves around, I may miss the target.”

Sophie also heard the vice-principal’s justification and stopped her movements. She braced herself for the next swing of the paddle, knowing it would hurt her again, but also thinking it was better to take it full on across her bottom than to be hit elsewhere.

Almost as soon as she held still, the paddle whacked across the seat of her jeans and a fresh bout of pain stung her backside. She grunted again but tried to keep her movements to a minimum.

When the paddle punished her for the fourth time, Sophie couldn’t prevent herself arching her back and squirming; it just hurt too much. Before she could do anything, the paddle struck her bottom again, the vice-principal believing it would be kinder to apply the fifth stroke quickly and complete the girl’s punishment than to make her position herself again.


“That completes your punishment, Ms Morrison. There’s a box of tissues on my desk. Help yourself. You’re free to leave when you’re ready.”

Jennifer Banfield grabbed a handful of the tissues and helped Sophie stand up.

“Here, wipe your face. It’s all over. Let’s go across to the interview room and get you cleaned up.”

They crossed the hallway to the small interview room where Sophie leaned on the table and continued sobbing.

“So, was that what you expected?” Jennifer asked, placing the tissues on the table.

“It was j-just the sh-shock,” Sophie stammered. “I-I wasn’t expecting it to hit so hard.”

“I guess they don’t want you coming back for a second dose,” Jennifer offered by way of explanation.

“My bottom must be totally bruised.”

“Do you want to drop your pants and panties so we can have a look?”

“Can you lock the door?”

“Sure.” Jennifer locked the door which automatically slid a small ‘engaged’ tab visible on the outside.

Sophie nodded, then slowly unfastened her jeans and pushed them down to her knees. She very delicately did the same with her brief pink panties.”

“Wow!” Jennifer declared. “That looks sore, especially two areas lower down your backside. There’s a couple of beetroot red circles where the paddle must have made the most impact.”

“How am I going to sit through classes? It just hurts so much.”

“I guess it will ease off soon. All the other students who have had the paddle seem to manage it. Let the air get to it for a bit. That should help.”

Sophie thought about that reply, aware Jennifer was mostly looking down at her wounded backside.

“So, have we satisfied your curiosity?” Sophie asked over her shoulder.

“About how they paddle in school? Sure.”

“What do you think?”

“I guess it’s a lot harder than having your mom’s hand spanking your backside, that’s for sure.”

“My mom has never spanked me,” Sophie answered, pausing briefly to imagine being positioned over her mom’s lap.

“Maybe that’s partly the reason the school paddling came as a shock?” Jennifer suggested.

“Perhaps. Hey, I need to get along to my classes.”

“Okay. Maybe we could meet up at lunch break?” Jennifer asked hopefully.

“Sure. Coffee’s on you,” Sophie joked as she pulled up her panties and white jeans.

The End

© Kenny Walters 2025