The Horologist
A girl behaves improperly at a formal dinner and is taken to task.
A girl behaves improperly at a formal dinner and is taken to task.
A mother seeks advice on how to deal with her wayward daughter.
A girl from Asia experiences cultural differences in corporal punishment.
A girl feels pressured into a painful choice
Memory of an Unexpected Slippering
A girl does a friend a big favor
Going along with another girl means trouble for both.
A girl's part-time job is in jeopardy.
A girl is undecided about being suspended from school.
Another girl is sent to The Retreat instead of prison.
A girl is not certain she deserves her spanking.
Invites to a seasonal dinner have consequences
Rudeness gets a girl into trouble.
A girl thinks she knows how a school paddling feels.
A girl misses a competition and pays the price.
A girl's memory of getting the paddle at school
A girl is set up.
A girl about to be caned faces problems
A girl gets two violations at school and pays the price.
A girl's memory of getting the ruler at school
A girl's concerns about getting paddled at school.
A South Carolina School Paddling
One girl is caught and her friend escapes, but has pangs of conscience.
A girl known for stealing is offered a chance.
A woman chooses alternative justice, now fully automated.
An appointed disciplinarian is someone two sisters know.
An island gains its independence and restores corporal punishment.
Two girls choose between suspension and the paddle.
A girl shows her resentment towards her new stepfather.
All girls slippered after Ggym class
A headmistress deals with her girls in an unusual way.
A Memory of a small UK private school
Two girls disobey their headmistress's clear instructions.
Memory of a UK school spanking
A girl has a bad day on the hockey field, and there's a price to pay.
Memory of a Scottish schoolgirl's strappings
A girl chooses to sunbathe by someone else's pool
Memory of a UK schoolgirl's caning
Two sisters bunk off school.
A mother and daughter face judicial punishment
A video transcription.
A girl seeks the help of a neighbour.
Memory of a US school girl's paddling
California girl moves to North Carolina.
Three girls fall foul of a teacher.
A mother is concerned about her daughter being paddled at school.
Memory of a school girl's caning.
A girl is punished by a teacher with a certain reputation.
A girl is fascinated by the discipline at a college.
Having seen their friend order a spanking off a website all three girls order a paddling.
An eavesdropper to a girl's punishment.
A girl is punished unofficially, and her mother has a curious reaction.
A moment's stupidity leads a girl to learn a painful lesson
An old story. Two girls face punishment for playing truant and shoplifting.
A teacher helps a girl in trouble.
Two girls visit their headmistress for punishment..
Two girls get unofficial punishments.
At school in America, an English girl has a difficult decision to make.
A girl looks back to her time at school and in a sorority.
An air stewardess faces unofficial punishment
Two sisters use an old local tradition to exact revenge, and pay the price.
A new girl learns the company ropes.
A girl is disicplined for taking a cycling shortcut once too often.
A Irish Au-pair learns a painful lesson in the US.
A teemager's short temper earns her a spanking.
A new airline hostess in the 1960s is disciplined.
A girls signs up to a website to order a spanking in front of her friends.
In 1842, a new cook gets spanked on Christmas days for silly behaviour.
A girl has to be punished and the new secretary helps out.
Tired of constant rows with her mother, a girl seeks the help of her uncle.
A girl's journey abroad hits trouble.
A woman chooses corporal punishment.
A girl discusses her punishment for a magazine.
An experimental story
A new stepfather changes the family dynamic
A girl facing parental discipline contacts her sister.
Two rivals brought together.
Swimming nude, two sisters are in trouble when mother finds out.
In trouble at school, a girl seeks help from her future stepmother.
A game with her brother goes wrong, but the girl takes the punishment.
A headmistress chats with a friend.
A girl prepares to be caned at school.
A girl and her adversary are caned for fighting.
A girl visits her headmistress's office to be caned.
A journalist volunteers to experience judicial corporal punishment.
A girl's memory of being paddled in school.
Three friends are arrested.
A female news presenter breaks the law of a foreign country.
A female TV personality faces motoring offences.
A foolish prank goes wrong
Poor performance on a cross-country run leads to even more trouble for one girl.
A girl is punished by the prefects.
A girl wants hotter showers but has to pay the price.
A young officer deals with two offenders.
One of four girls caught bullying feels she can't protest.
Two sisters are caught shoplifting and receive old-style justice.
Forced to pay the price for slacking at school, a girl seeks the help of the Head Girl.
A senior girl has to undergo a formal school slippering.
Memory of a high school paddling.
A prefect has to punish her friend.
A girl is punished at school, which means another punishment at home.
A girl defends her younger sister and gets herself and her friend into trouble.
Two girls get drunk, and their mothers make them pay the price.
During World War Two, a woman stays with a friend.
A schoolgirl is caned on the hand for smoking cigarettes.
A mother has to decide if she'll allow her daughter to receive a paddling at school.
Girls are paddled in the gymnasium for fighting.
A girl is caught shoplifting. Believed based loosely on a true event.
A prefect gets Amy punished for something she didn't do.
Madison's parents want to ground her, but the neighbour whose property she damaged has a better idea.
A newly qualified teacher seeks the help of her headmistress.
A Head Girl is caught absent from school, along with three others. It puts her in a difficult position.
Two waitresses 'borrow' $50 from their employer, and that has far-reaching consequences.
A girl and her friend are deal with by her mother who is also her headmistress.
Two step sisters are punished in different ways.
Three girls have to wait before their headmistress can deal with them.
Two sixth form girls think school rules don't apply to them.
Two girls who dislike each other are united in punishment
A girl gets to choose a teacher to punish her.
A girl believes she made a mistake and accepts her punishment.
A school detention means trouble for Jenny
More trouble for Jenny
Uncle John finds his niece has been punished at school and the family tradition is followed.
Jenny goes to stay with her uncle and gets herself into trouble.
A girl moves to Texas and finds the authorities less tolerant.
A student teacher learns the hard way.
A school trip has unfortunate consequences
A secretary welcomes a new headmistress, and is pleasantly surprised.
Three waitresses are paddled by their boss for stealing.
The Sisters' Plan ends in Tears
After being sentenced for looting a shop, a girl decides to take her punishment without delay.
A girl finds herself in trouble with the law and asks her school for help. A true story.
A prefect catches two of her rivals out, and thinks she has the upper hand.
A woman in a foul mood upsets her tennis coach.
A girl is caught after breaking into the municipal swimming pool, and a woman police officer offers her an alternative.
A girl gets the cane on her hand.
Two girls are paddled in the Principal's Office
Hannah makes things right with her teacher and avoids missing the big parade by taking a paddling from the vice-principal.
A girl avoid suspension and gets to keep her car keys by taking a paddling